This is where you can find resources that have not only informed this project but communicate through different mediums the themes and conversations of this project. These resources have been broken up into categories and can be identified with the colour system below.
GREEN: Resources created or heavily informed by Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Pacific Islander women.
BLUE: Resources created by other Black or Indigenous People of Colour (BIPOC), that reference and discuss themes relevant to this project.
YELLOW: Resources created by non-BIPOC, that reference and discuss themes relevant to this project.
These resources are a curated list based on the aims and dialogues of this project. The list has been broken up into different categories - audio, video, multimedia, written material - books, brohures/reports, journals, articles (magazines, blogs, news, etc.).
I wanted to give you a bit of an overview of as many of the resources I have come across during this research process.
Welcoming babies to country: the Indigenous ceremony revived after 80 years
Can digital redefine our relationship with museum collections?
Moana Cosmopolitan Imaginaries: Toward an Emerging Theory of Moana Art
Perceptions of the value of traditional ecological knowledge to formal school curricula: opportunities and challenges from Malekula Island, Vanuatu
First Nations Women Workers' Speak, Write and Research Back: Child Welfare and Decolonizing Stories
Indigenous languages are disappearing. These linguists are trying to stop that.
Sistas Lets Talk
The Ancestors Know You: Real Life Reconnection Stories
True Tracks: Respecting Indigenous knowledge and culture
Disciplining the Savages: Savaging the discipline
Milthun latju wana romgu yolnu
ANKAAA Harvesting Traditional Knowledge
Ritual: the past in the present
Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women's Voices)
First Peoples: A roadmap for enhancing Indigenous engagement in museums and galleries
Gender and Indigenous People's.
I follow over 1000 people online and this number continues to grow everyday. I strongly encourage you to engage with many portfolios of First Nations people. One way to start is by following someone you admire and then following their own networks. This is why I won't be listing down EVERY single person I have met and been inspired by, only those who participated in this project. For more networks you can start with my own "Following" list on Instagram - @moalejames
Reading Oceania
FaceBook Group supervised and created by Seini Taumoepeau to explore Oceania topics and texts.
Reading Oceania has been an online database full of resources, videos, media and networks from "Oceania" which has been running for many years! In fact, many of the resources on this webpage were first seen on Reading Oceania. If you are a First Nations person or not, please go and follow this account on FaceBook!